First and foremost we like to create things. In our case this is about indoor climate.
We believe that our users should enjoy full climate control within a home. Heating, cooling, ventilation, all controlled under same ecosystem and very easy to use. In the same time indoor air quality is becoming one of the major problems in moder, energy efficient houses. Air tight buildings paired with new materials and home activities are good for energy consumption but can be very unhealthy. Why not at least monitor it?
Our platform can be customized to fit many different types of applications and homes. You can control your ventilation or you can control heating circuit or you can do all of it. Your house can be big or small.
To achieve our mission we are closely working with installers, simplifying start up procedures, making products that are easy to install wire and start up and most important fit exactly what you need. Make complex system with simple procedures now is easy.
System is carefully created by people with multi year experience in HVAC, software, electronics and marketing.