We offer two types of air quality sensors.

  1. Just temperature and humidity
  2. Temperature, humidity, and VOC

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure at normal room temperature. Their high vapor pressure is a result of their low boiling point, which causes a large number of molecules to vaporize or sublime from a liquid or solid form of the compound and get into the surrounding air. Property is known as volatility.

Some VOCs are dangerous to human health and are harmful to the environment. Anthropogenic VOCs are regulated by law, especially indoors where concentrations are highest. Harmful VOCs are usually not acutely toxic but have long-term health effects. Because concentrations are typically low and symptoms are slow to develop, research on VOCs and their effects are difficult.

The AQS1 is also a local control device for the HR1 ventilators where you can change the mode of work (IN, OUT and AUTO), speed (0FF, 1,2, and BOOST), and check for a filter alarm.

AQS1 does not work as an independent device but as a part of the MUONIO system and needs Gateway as a minimum to work.

Technical specifications

Dimensions 88 X 57 X 29 mm
Weigh 150 g
Power 3 x AA batteries, 4.5 Vdc
Two versions: Temperature and humidity and VOC Wireless 2.4 GHz

Product documentation